37 photos of very good dogs and cats supporting the Insider Union's strike
Flossie, Gingham, and Pixel holding the picket line.
The Insider Union began an indefinite unfair labor practice strike on Friday, June 2.
Pets across the country are raising a paw in solidarity with the hundreds of Insider journalists withholding their labor.
Here are 37 photos of comrade cats and pro-labor pups supporting the Insider Union’s fight.
The Insider Union is on strike, and a chorus of woofs and meows have risen up in support of the effort.
Cats and dogs from across the country are raising a paw in solidarity with the hundreds of Insider journalists who have withheld their labor since Friday, June 2 while on an indefinite unfair labor practice strike. A handful of pooches also fetched signs and joined the picket line at One Liberty Plaza in New York’s Financial District, but between the blistering heat and the poor air quality that had Manhattan looking like a dystopian hellscape, many pro-Union pets have been unable to attend in-person the past few days.
They’re all still holding the line at home like they’re playing a game of tug, and they’ll never heed the command to “drop it!” These pets are helping hold down a strong digital picket line until a fair deal is reached. Don’t let their pleading eyes fool you; these pups are man’s best friend, but no friend to The Man.
Check out 37 photos of pets who are supporting the Insider Union’s fight for fair wages, affordable healthcare, and a sustainable environment to produce high-quality journalism:
Business Outsider is a strike publication of Insider Union, which is a unit of The NewsGuild of New York.
Follow our Twitter for updates on the strike, and if you enjoyed this content and would like to throw in some cash for our members who are losing wages every day that we strike for a fair contract, feel free to visit our hardship fundraiser here. Want to help us tell the boss to reach a deal? Let Nich Carlson and Henry Blodget know you support us by sending a letter.