What SpongeBob and Squidward got right about striking in ‘Squid on Strike’
SpongeBob on strike. Nickelodeon/Paramount+
The Insider Union reached a tentative agreement with Insider management on a contract after being on a ULP strike for 13 days.
The “Spongebob Squarepants” episode titled “Squid on Strike” depicts the reality of going on strike.
The similarities between their strike and the Insider Union’s strike are uncanny.
The Insider Union reached a tentative agreement for a contract on June 14 after being on a ULP strike for 13 days. We’ve held the physical picket line since June 2 with our fun signs and chants, drawing inspiration from a childhood fixture for many of us: “SpongeBob Squarepants.”
This iconic “SpongeBob Squarepants” episode titled “Squid on Strike” is still relevant. Over 20 years after the episode aired in 2001, we still remember SpongeBob’s iconic strike chant: “Krusty Krab is unfair! Mr. Krabs is in there! Standing at the concession! Plotting his oppression!”
At the beginning of the episode, Mr. Krabs, who is infamous for his penny-pinching ways, noticed his profits were down by $3. He immediately stormed out of his office and handed SpongeBob and Squidward their “paychecks.” But instead of a paycheck, they received bills that included individual charges for standing, breathing, and existing on the job.
Squidward’s bill. Nickelodeon/Paramount+
“There’s going to be a few changes around here,” Mr. Krabs said. “Every time I catch you two goofing off, I’m going to charge ya for it.”
SpongeBob was about to willingly hand over the cash to Mr. Krabs, but Squidward quickly pulled him aside and convinced him to go on strike.
Unironically, Squidward and Spongebob’s reasons for striking are pretty similar to why Insider journalists went on strike: we like our jobs, we want to keep working here, and we also expect to be treated fairly while working.
Here’s what Squidward and SpongeBob got right about striking.
Unit solidarity is important
At the beginning of the episode, Squidward told SpongeBob, “We have to unite as workers!”
This is a message that holds true to the Insider Union’s efforts. As a unit, we stood together through almost two weeks of striking. Members picketed both digitally and physically, making our presence known both online and on the picket line outside Insider’s Manhattan office. Our solidarity helped our members keep up both their stamina and their hope.
Striking is daunting
Forever! Nickelodeon/Paramount+
Striking is scary and the uncertainty can make the fight feel endless. When Spongebob got riled up in a confrontation with Mr. Krabs, he said, “Me and Squidward are going to stay on strike until we get what we deserve, even if it takes forever.”
SpongeBob’s “forever” echoed as Squidward grappled with the reality of what that word really meant. There’s even a scene of them much older in age with gray beards and walking canes still striking in front of the Krusty Krab. While that’s a touch dramatic, it articulated the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes with striking.
It certainly wasn’t not easy, but the industry-defining deal we reached made all of the tough efforts worth it.
Don’t cross the picket line
Squidward made this message loud and clear to Bikini Bottom residents. He started off by telling everyone they’ve been cheated and lied to, and tried to explain that he and Spongebob no longer wanted to suffer as a result of Mr. Krabs’ greed. With the city’s support, Squidward thought they could win — even if they had to fight for eternity.
Similarly, the support from the public was important to the Insider Union’s mission. Members of the unit were hard at work telling people to not cross our picket line over the last 13 days, and explaining the significance of that action. When we stood together, our message was clear and powerful. This helped us get the fair contract we wanted.
Keeping the heat on management is vital
Squidward and SpongeBob faced an uphill battle while they were on strike. After Squidward gave a passionate speech about why they were striking, a group of Bikini Bottom residents rushed into the Krusty Krab because they were hungry and it was convenient.
Mr. Krabs rubbed the new business in SpongeBob and Squidward’s face, and said that he wished they’d gone on strike earlier. Despite this, SpongeBob and Squidward kept striking. Eventually, Mr. Krabs came to Squidward’s house later that night to start the negotiating process.
After two years of bargaining, and nearly two weeks on strike, we reached a tentative agreement that includes a salary floor of $65,000, immediate raises of 3.5% for the majority of union members, just cause, and a layoff moratorium through the end of the year for members of the union.
Communication is key
SpongeBob dismantles the establishment. Nickelodeon/Paramount+
At the end of the episode, SpongeBob headed to the Krusty Krab and started quite literally dismantling the “oppressive establishment board by board.” It became clear to both Squidward and SpongeBob that communicating clearly about your mission is vital to its success.
The Insider Union knows this to be true, too. Getting over 200 workers to strike wasn’t an easy feat, but our consistent communication and solidarity with each other got us to the finish line.
Business Outsider is a strike publication of Insider Union, which is a unit of The NewsGuild of New York.